Seacrets Jamaica USA, Ocean city, MD, United work and travel

Experience with agency United Work & Travel was neutral.
In fact, when it comes to representative agencies in Serbia, all praise. Suzana in Nis and Belgrade Aleksandra rapidly respond and always give the right information during the application process. Now, a woman who works in the OC, Anne Marie Conestabile, which is all and end at UWT Ocean City is very two-faced, mealy-mouthed as ever on the side students, but while no quarrel violently with her in front of all the Agency, it is difficult that if you go out to meet them. In fact, neither good nor bad. If you go to OC, well-read what you sign, what kind of tenancy agreement, and for how long the contract is valid. In particular, I have it in the contract stated that the contract is valid 5 months, and she said that was a mistake and that in fact 4, and the last day visa we need to get out of the house. A lot of discussion with her was over, but in the end, we won. I did not pay anything extra :)

Experience with location Ocean City, MD was neutral.
GOOD: Small city with safe, you can not get lost, there are plenty of places to go out, beautiful beach. BAD: Domestic resort, a lot of older people, there is no bass crazy clubs and crazy fun as in Srbia, there sooo many students during the summer, because the UWT headquarters in Maryland, and OC office and has quite a monopoly, and there are thousands and thousands and thousands of students . At a lot of places, mainly the minimum hourly wage. Because many students may find it difficult to find any other job for a while, you have to be persistent. As for better positions with tips, such as waiters or runners, it really is difficult, due to the large number of students, and a lot of employers that prefer Americans.

Experience with employer Seacrets Jamaica USA was neutral.
Sooo crazy town, more or less always cool atmosphere, has a cool manager, has one manager who stink (Mike Lot). However, it literally falls from the leg of a job, because it is the largest restaurant in the OC, with a capacity of several thousand people all day and night there are guests. A schedule almost minimal. If you are going to work more in the kitchen due to the low knowledge of English, choose a smaller restaurant where not many guests throughout the day.

This review represents personal opinion of Roki who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2016 with agency United Work & Travel, working at Seacrets Jamaica USA in Ocean City, MD.

Dec 19, 2016