Marriot Intl Admin serv INC, Avon, CO, Student Travel

Experience with agency Student Travel was neutral.
The agency I went to in the United States seems to be good (with pluses and minuses). Grade 7. I didn't like the fact that we were forced to take a ticket from them... even if they didn't have very convenient prices. Otherwise ok ...

Experience with location Avon, CO was positive.
Very nice, Attractive, with lots of fun places, close to Denver, Las Vegas ... I easily found second job.

Experience with employer Marriot Int Admin Serv INC was positive.
Very good, friendly, good, punctual ... I can not say anything bad about him.

This review represents personal opinion of Alexandru Furculita who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2017 with agency Student Travel, working at Marriot Int Admin Serv INC in Avon, CO.

Oct 19, 2018