Keansburg Amusment Park, Keansburg, Karavan Travel

Experience with agency Karavan Travel was neutral.
No problems.

Experience with location Keansburg, NJ was negative.
Unable to find another job , no night life , warm weather or stirs in the breeze . :)

Experience with employer Keansburg Amusement Park was negative.
7.25, without tips , 62 Job Description: get up around nine , ten. They had performed all morning activities (hygiene , internet , breakfast .... ) Around 11: 59h you have to walk to work (for 2 minutes from the house) . Get there , open the huge Ferris wheels and other devices for fast driving . Job was to wield these machines . Nothing difficult , I was even interesting. Talk to people , messing with them . You have a break of half an hour that you do not pay ( not included in the schedule ) . I do so for up to ten hours ( 22:00), wield those machines . You come home and you have nothing smart to do , because the city is really boring and dead. You can not possibly go to a bar for a drink with other students .

This review represents personal opinion of Damjan who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2012 with agency Karavan Travel, working at Keansburg Amusement Park in Keansburg, NJ.

Jul 15, 2016