Community Pools, Alexandria, Virginia, Experience

Experience with agency Experience was positive.
I was in a couple of agencies before I went with them . In a few words - it's simply feel like family , at home , and they are the most realistic and objective , you will not promise any villas and castles , but everything in detail how it is.

Experience with location Alexandria, VA was neutral.
The possibility of finding another job is not huge , because it is a city like any other non-tourist town , so with a permanent population . Still, the possibility of finding another job there , I saw it the other year when I went to the same place . The city is a few miles from the center of Washington DC, so it is very close to various pubs , clubs , places for exiting in general , as well as many museums , monuments , and similar Not to mention Capitol Hill or the White House . Also , on all sides are huge markets for all the necessary ingredients , and there are shopping malls for shopping . Transportation is decent , not often , because they do not use much , but it is always accurate and brilliant . Whoever is able to ( his job is not far ) we recommend to use a bike. The new bikes were there about 80-90 dollars. A good used to find and to around 30 . Some of you will and hike . Metro is also present and usually not too far away from your apartment.

Experience with employer Community Pools was positive.
Hourly: 8$ Number of hours per week: 45 Average tip: 0 Now what is most important. Rescuer goes he who does not want a lot of money and does not want a hard job. Positive side: A lot of free time, the possibility to rest, excellent complexion, repairing swimming skills, other job on the site of the first in the sense that you can give swimming lessons (if your company or if you allow SMART does not sign and take the steam itself, small risk brings with it, you have to be good with those who come to the pool with your guests), then a great deal to practice the language, if not silent one, will have a free English course, you will learn the language willingly or unwillingly, then the job lasts only 3 , 3 and a half months, you have a lot of time to travel and to get back to giving exams. Disadvantages: The income is enough to provide to buy yourself some things, and that you stay over something small, if you are lucky with a pool and working hours, and you can not make solid. Also, if you're not talkative, or constantly doing it yourself, or you have some guests who did not lose communication job is very boring, at 7.8 ... 12 hours in the sun, that is. under a beach umbrella and spend the grinders. The phone is generally not permitted, although it may as well, but you'd be bored if you are doing yourself and the guests you uncommunicative.

This review represents personal opinion of Goran Kliska who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2012 with agency Experience, working at Community Pools in Alexandria, VA.

Aug 9, 2016