Candlewood, Williston, North Dakota, Inspirit

Experience with agency Inspirit was neutral.
The employees at the agency were correct .

Experience with location Williston, ND was positive.
Additional job is easy to find and schedule are very good . Williston is a small town , it is said that it is dangerous , but we didn't have a problem. We lived in the house. Everywhere is easily reached by bicycle. There is a club outings , Walmart , park .

Experience with employer Candlewood was positive.
Hourly: 14$, later 15$ Hours per week: 35-40 Average tip : / Clean room, hallway, hotel. Work is not tiring, it's a little boring , but it is a good hourly rate .

This review represents personal opinion of Jovana Samardžić who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2014 with agency Inspirit, working at Candlewood in Williston, ND.

Aug 9, 2016