Brass and Balls Saloon , Ocean City, MD, Experience

Experience with agency Experience was positive.
All praise for my friends from the agency.

Experience with location Ocean City, MD was positive.
The possibility of finding another job is great, a large selection of restaurants and hotels that offer job. Residents pleasant, active night life . Every night there are some other club promotions so that the right combination of routes has been made for a whole week . :) Moderate temperature , 25-35 degrees, almost perfect . Beach 11 km long , a lot of students from all over the world and America are coming to work . The right place if you want to work and to have a good time.

Experience with employer Brass and Balls Saloon was positive.
Wage per hour : 3.6 Number of hours per week : 40 Average tip ( weekly) : 350 Cleaning tables and taking away cutlery to the kitchen , taking out the trash , the bringing the ice from the ice machine , helping staff and guests.

This review represents personal opinion of Vuk Sentić who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2014 with agency Experience, working at Brass and Balls Saloon in Ocean City, MD.

Aug 2, 2016