Continental Pools, Washington, Work Abroad

Experience with agency Work Abroad was neutral.
Agency Work Abroad is ok , although I had a small problem , and it was not about Dusan through which I went to the USA ... In fact the agency is not bad as well as the company itself ...

Experience with location Washington, DC was neutral.
I had private quarters so you have no experience with accommodation company ...

Experience with employer Continental Pools was neutral.
Salary is not bad , $ 7.25 hourly overtime $ 11 .. Job Description: Lifeguard job : cycling to swimming pools, arranging and opening the pool , and then he relaxed , not physically hard job at all : D ...

This review represents personal opinion of Jelena S who was participating Work & Travel program in year of 2012 with agency Work Abroad, working at Continental Pools in Washington, DC.

Aug 14, 2016